Post Fri Aug 16, 2024 5:32 pm

Mixed Trading Musk Share

One of the most important things that every investor must research before starting his investments is the purity and legitimacy of the share to ensure that the profits and gains he obtains from the share are lawful gains. Therefore, a large number of scholars and sheikhs study and analyze all shares to find out whether the share is pure, mixed, or forbidden.مضاعف القيمة الدفترية
All the bodies specialized in studying the legitimacy of shares and all scholars have agreed that the activity of Musk Company is permissible and serves society, but the financial statementsThe company shows that it has some transactions with usurious loans, and therefore it falls under the category of mixed companies that practice permissible activities but deal in forbidden usurious transactions, and therefore most scholars have agreed on the prohibition of contributing to it, but if someone invests in its shares, he must get rid of the forbidden percentage of profit that the company distributes to the shareholders.